Why choose us?
Buyers and sellers alike enjoy a number of distinct advantages
by working exclusively with a Dorey agent. These advantages are The Dorey Distinction:
- Each property is advertised in print and on numerous online forums for the entire duration of our listing contract. High-end properties are advertised nationally and internationally as well.
- Feedback is given after each showing and in mailed Monthly Activity Reports. Information includes dates of showings and open houses with feedback for each, dates and names of publications in which ads appeared, dates of online advertisements on social media platforms, webpage views on the Dorey website, and direct mailings of brochures.
- In addition to the Dorey listing agent, our full-time licensed office team is actively engaged in the presentation and representation of each of our homes and is in frequent communication with our sellers.
- Buyers will be represented by a full-time agent with years of experience selling properties in the top 20% of the marketplace. Our agents are prepared to provide information to determine a market value for whatever property they are showing and help navigate this important purchase from start to finish.
- Weekly emails are produced announcing our new listings and our weekend open houses.
To be included on our email list, click here.
As specialists in the top of the marketplace, our agents are familiar with available properties. Dorey agents can